A2bhartiya Milk

The a2bhartiya products are only from BhartiyaGauMatha

a2bhartiyamilk comes from The BhartiyaGauMatha Breeds namely The Lord Krishna GauMatha – Kapilla, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Thaarpaarkar, Rathi.

The benefits of the a2bhartiyamilk
In our scriptures the milk from our GauMathas is described as “Amrit”, The Nectar. We call the milk from our GauMathas as DugdhAmrit. The GauMathaDugdhAmritis sweet in taste and has coolant effect on the body and mind. It improves Ojas – Ojas is considered as the factor responsible for the immunity of the body.  Nourishing the body tissues, The GauMathamilk acts as natural aphrodisiac. Rejuvenates and increases life expectancy while improving intelligence and body strength. In case of feeding mothers, it increases breast milk. By assisting in easy movements of intestines cow milk relieves tiredness, dizziness, excessive thirst and hunger.
According to Ayurveda, GauMatha milk is useful in diseases like severe debility, relieving stage of fever, diseases related to urinary system, bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, etc. Not only that, The GauMathamilk is the next best thing to breast milk for the newborn. Cow milk is nutritive and good for the vital organs such as the Eyes, Brain and the Heart.
For pure vegetarians, The GauMathamilk is a good source of Vitamin D, which plays a huge role in the absorption of Calcium from the gut. Good absorption of calcium will lead to good bone strength. So Cow milk is very important for women who are nearing menopause because menopause increases the susceptibility to Osteoporosis.

The benefits of Dahi (curd) from the a2bhartiyamilk
Dahipossess a unique quality by which it absorbs water from intestines (hence called as Grahi in Ayurveda). By the virtue of this property it is widely used to treat diarrhea and dysentery.It mitigates vatadosha, increases kapha and pitta. Curd helps to increase quality and quantity of semen while strengthening the body.Consumption of curd also accelerates digestion (agni), stimulates taste buds and acts as an appetizer.It is found beneficial in diseases of duodenum. By reducing irritability of bladder and it helps in emptying bladder easily.
Curd has anti-ulcer property and it is an excellent remedy when even there is a stomach irritation. In an hour only 32 per cent of the raw milk is digested as against 91 per cent of the curd. Curd cures migraine and the biotin, a vitamin present in the curd is very important for mental health.When applied to the face, it cures acne. Curd is also applied as a face pack to prevent wrinkles. Down the ages, women have used the curd to soften their skin. Curd also acts as good hair conditioner.It provides good nourishment to hair and adds a healthier look to the hair.
Ayurveda recommends making a batch of fresh yogurt to be consumed each day. According to Ayurveda, Dahishould not be combined with milk or cream. Dahi is the only "fermented" food recognized as saatvic by Ayurveda. Dahi, as a sour taste, is good for balancing Vata, but should be reduced by people on a Pitta or Kapha balancing diet.

The benefits of Chhachh (Whey) from the Dahi (curd) of a2bhartiyamilk
Generally people use whey during summers but it can be taken throughout the year. It is prepared by churning milk. Whey or buttermilk is cool and light. It drives away tiredness and thirst. It cures gastro diseases, vomit, and excessive formation of saliva in the mouth, jaundice, diabetes, diarrhea, pain, aversions, leprosy, swelling and worms in the stomach.
Ayurveda speaks very highly of Chhachh (whey). With the use of Chhachh, the poisonous effects of toxins, discoloration of skin, ugliness, wilting up in body, decaying, stomach diseases; leprosy and inflammation can be cured of. Moreover, by making use of Chhachh daily, the person never falls sick, and also the disease destroyed by the use of Chhachhnever returns again to haunt the person.
The complications relating to urination are removed Chhachhused with jaggary. Raw Chhachh usage also repairs the weakened digestive system. It can also be used by persons who constantly feel nauseated.

The benefits of Makhhan from the a2bhartiyamilk
The Makhhan is what ShriBhagwan Krishna just loves.
Makhhanis known as “Navaneeta” or “Ghrit” in Sanskrit. Prepared from the Dahi of our a2bhartiyamilkcontains saturated fats, mono-saturated fats, and poly-unsaturated fats, plenty of Vitamin A, Vitamin D and good Cholesterol.
Texts of Ayurveda consider Makhhanfrom milk of BhartiyaGauMathasfor medicinal use. The health benefits of butter are very well explained in Ayurveda.
Makhhanprepared from our BhartiyaGauMatha’s milk has the following medicinal properties.
·         This Makhhannourishes body tissues and increases body energy level.
·         The complexion of skin and strength of body increases with the usage when Makhhanis consumed.
·         Makhhan increases appetite.
·         Makhhan alleviates vata and pitta.
·         Highly effective in piles or hemorrhoids. Reduces cough.
·         Elderly people and infants are highly benefited by Makhhan.
·         Makhhan acts like amedicine when administered to infants and elderly.
Makhhanis a rich source of easily absorbable vitamin A, required for a wide range of functions, from maintaining good vision to keeping the endocrine system in top shape. 
Makhhan is rich in important trace minerals, including manganese, chromium, zinc, copper and selenium (a powerful antioxidant). Makhhan is an excellent source of iodine.

The benefits of Ghee from the a2bhartiyamilk
In Ayurveda, most of the important Medhyaaushadhi (Psychotropic Drugs) have been used in the form of Ghrita or Ghee.Ayurveda has indicated the use of The BhartiyaGauMatha’s ghee i.e., Gau-Ghrita, whenever the reference of Ghee arises in the treatment. A brief glance at the qualities of Gau-Ghrita shows that it has been described as Buddhivardhaka-augmenting intelligence, Smritivardhaka-enhancing memory, Deepana-improvement in appetite; and is useful in the treatment of many diseases affecting the nervous system in particular.
The GauMatha Ghee is often used as premium cooking oil celebrated for its taste, nutritional benefits, and medicinal qualities. Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of our Motherland, recognizes Ghee as an essential part of a balanced diet, and considers it to be the best fat one can eat.
The GauMathaGhee builds the aura, makes all the organs soft, builds up the internal juices of the body, which are destroyed by aging and increases the most refined element of digestion-Shukra or Ojas, the underlying basis of all immunity and the “essence of all bodily tissues”. Ghee is known as a substance that gives longevity. The purity of Ghee allows it to be deep penetrating and nourishing as it passes through the lipid membranes of cells. For this reason, the vitamins and minerals from food cooked in GauMatha Ghee will be drawn deep into the body where they impart the most benefit.

Please contact for all your requirements:
ArunPrabhakar                 Mobile: 9810194616


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